6 Reasons why your natural hair probably isn't growing

6 Reasons why your natural hair probably isn't growing

On average hair grows 1/2 inch a month. When using a hair growth oil (we recommend everyone add the Ultimate Healthy Hair Treatment to their regimen), vitamins, or even both you are able to see up to 1-3 inches a month. If you're not noticing growth it's because your hair is breaking off at the same rate it's growing. 

We've put together 6 reasons your hair could be breaking off:

1. Lack of moisture

- For dry hair we recommend using the LOC method. LOC stands for Liquid, Oil, and Cream. 

2. Too much protein

-Protein treatments should be used only ONCE a month. Over using them does more damage than good.

3. Aggressive Detangling

-Be gentle when detangling your hair. Never detangle dry hair.

4. Applying to much heat to your hair

-Heat damage is real! Damaged hair and ends stunt your hair growth majorly.

5. Tight Hairstyles

Low manipulation protective styles are best for growth!

6. Over styling your hair

You should only be styling your hair 1-3 times a week and 3 times is pushing it. 


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Chatman Lorrie

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